
Opinion Size Age Shape Colour Origin Material Purpose
an expensive small Italian coffee table
a 100-year-old tall red maple tree

If two or more adjectives give information of the same type, they are usually separated by a comma or by and.

Mae has Chinese and Malaysian roots. Matt is a friendly, happy and optimistic student.

Adjectives in the comparative, equative or superlative form are used to compare two or more elements.

When compared elements have equal value or status, use the equative expression as … as with the invariable adjective in between. Make the sentence negative to express unequal value or status.

My new job is as stimulating as the previous one. This store is not as big as the one where I used to work.

Comparatives compare two individuals, groups or things. When the comparative form is followed by a noun or an object pronoun, it always requires than. If the second part of the comparison remains implicit, than is not needed.

Lizzie is younger than her sister. She has more varied interests than her. Both are growing taller every day. (implied: taller than before)

Superlatives express a comparison between one element that is mentioned and several others that may remain implicit. The superlative form is always preceded by the or a possessive determiner.

Ben is the kindest volunteer I have met. The Mona Lisa has the most mysterious smile. What is your biggest fear?

Comparative and Superlative Form Spelling

Never use more and the –er ending at the same time to form the comparative. Similarly, do not use most and the –est ending together to form the superlative.

Adjective Comparative
(Followed by Than)
(Preceded by the)
One-syllable adjectives
Add –er to the adjective.
brighter than
Add –est to the adjective.
the brightest
Ending in consonant-vowel-consonant, except –w Double the consonant and add –er. Double the consonant and add –est.
big bigger than the biggest
Two-syllable adjectives ending in consonant -y Change the –y to –i and add –er. Change the –y to –i and add –est.
funny funnier than the funniest
All other adjectives with two or more syllables Use more before the adjective. Use most before the adjective.
intelligent more intelligent than the most intelligent
Irregular forms
good better than the best
bad worse than the worst
far farther / further than the farthest / furthest
fun more fun than the most fun

Making the sale – Grammar